TSC “ITF” Program


Our ITF High Performance Program is geared towards nationally and internationally ranked juniors who aspire to play at a college level of tennis or higher.

If you are interested in applying for this program

Contact Alastair Now


The program’s goal is to provide a high standard and quality training environment to its participants. The training component of the group focuses on four to six-week blocks of the most common tactical situations at an ITF level, or higher, while being tactically specified to the game styles of each player in the group. Each player in the program is unique and should have a specific focus as a result!


✓ Current ITF Ranking

✓ UTR rating of 11, or higher

✓ Qualified for Nationals (ON, QC, BC) once in the last 2 year

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Our Fall and Spring sessions are now on hold due to the ongoing pandemic. Please check back for more updates when the City reopens!


May 4th – June 25th 2020

Monday, 7 dates in total, 4:00pm – 6:00pm: $350 per player, plus HST
Tuesday, 8 dates in total, 4:00pm – 6:00pm: $400 per player, plus HST
Wednesday, 8 dates in total, 4:00pm – 6:00pm: $400 per player, plus HST
Thursday, 8 dates in total, 4:00pm – 6:00pm: $400 per player, plus HST

Total for four days: $1,550 per player, plus HST

​Note: No program on Monday, May 18 due to Victoria Day.
Juniors DO NOT need to be members to participate in junior programs.

They DO have to be members in order to take private, private group lessons or to reserve courts.

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