Updated Booking Rules
For now, book as many times in a week as your heart desires! “We have court time and we want you to use it!”
Please note, we may add booking restrictions if the demands on the courts become challenging.
Log into your member account to book your court online!
Booking a Court
- Members must have an active booking made through our online system in order to play on the tennis courts.
- Members can book online 7 days in advance (as of 6:30pm, seven days in advance).
- Members can book as many courts per week as they like.
- Members cannot hold two court bookings at the same time of day.
- Members can book courts on the hour (6:00pm, 7:00pm etc.) or the half hour (6:30pm, 7:30pm)
- All bookings are a minimum of 30 minutes to a maximum of 3 hours
Club Entrance Code
- Member’s must have the clubs “door code” or “entrance code” in order to enter or access the facility.
- The clubs door code can change daily and without notice to the membership.
Accessing The Entrance Code
- The “door code” or “entrance code” is available to members with a upcoming tennis booking.
- The clubs “door code” or “entrance code” is automatically emailed to club members who have a tennis booking 3 hours prior to the start of their reservation.
Booking with a Guest
- When reserving a court with a guest, members must pay the guest fee of $5.00 per guest.
- Court and Guest bookings will be automatically deleted by the system for any fee that is unpaid within 15 minutes of the booking being made.
- Members are permitted a total of 12 guests per year.
Coach, Lesson or Program Booking
- Only The Supreme Court’s tennis staff are permitted to teach lessons at the facility.
- During non-prime times (Mon – Fri before 4:00pm) an unlimited amount of courts can be reserved for teaching.
- During prime times (Mon – Fri after 4:00pm, including all weekend times) 50% of the courts can be used for teaching.
- During prime times additional courts (more then 50%) can be used for teaching if courts are available 24 hours in advance.
Cancelling a Court Booking
- Failure to cancel courts booked in prime times (in a timely manner 24 hours in advance) may result in restrictions to future bookings.